Cimmarron Homeowners,
1. The Cimmarron HOA has employed the current pest control company to once again work on trapping rodents throughout the common areas. This is due to the recent uptick of sitings within the community. Please continue to stay vigialnt with your personal homes and yards.
2. There will be community yard sale on October 29, 2022, from 8am-12pm. T Signs will be posted leading up to that Saturday. Anyone who would like to participate please feel free to place items in your driveway/garage for the community yard sale.
3. Parking in the community is a highly sought after commodity. Please be sure that you are parking in ways that will not impede any neighbors from entering or exiting their own driveways. Remember, Respect those around you.
Thank you for being a great member of the community. Please reach out to with any questions, comments, or concerns.